Blog Mission: Rise Activists is a blogspot that is intended to promote awareness, critical thought, activism and Islamic identity among Muslim youth. Part of this initiative is to directly affect self-development of the reader by challenging socio-political, spiritual and religious thought. It is our belief that strong communities and a stronger Ummah, derive their strength from holistic and God-conscious activists.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Activism Begins At Home

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem.

Before embarking on being an eternal activist, perhaps we should consider what it means to be an activist. Should I be an activist because its cool to be one? Should I be an activist because my friends are activists? Should I be an activist so that I may live for a cause? Should I be an activist because I really believe in something, in a set of values and principles, in a way of life? Do I live that life at home, with my friends, with my lone self? What is it for, who does it truly benefit? What examples do I follow?

Activism is a strong and courageous endeavor. By being an activist you choose to discard fluff, do away with egos, do away with the 'me' and live your life in the way of 'we'. Your actions begin to take on more accountability because you start to represent a cause and have to fight everything that is against the cause in yourself. By being an activist you propagate a cause, a societal goal in just the way you live your life, converse, be. Everyone is an activist in some shape or form, they propagate somehthing. Some propagate conformity – conformity activists, some propagate evil - activists for evil. Some propagate the struggle for truth - activists for Haqq. Some propagate "it doesn't matter" – the actively complacent. What kind of activist are you now? What kind of activist do you want to be? What affects the self the most is one's immediate surroundings and that is the home. This sacred environment is the birthplace of true change, a change that resonates and penetrates society silently. This is the environment which is the womb of the soul after it departs the womb of the mother. This womb, the home, and the nafs have an interdependent or inter-effecting relationship – it taps you and you tap it. Focusing your energy on mending this womb, bringing change, uplifting it is where it all begins. It requires the most patience, the most compassion and is a true test as it involves the highest degree of sensitivity and emotion. Its activism boot camp.

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