Blog Mission: Rise Activists is a blogspot that is intended to promote awareness, critical thought, activism and Islamic identity among Muslim youth. Part of this initiative is to directly affect self-development of the reader by challenging socio-political, spiritual and religious thought. It is our belief that strong communities and a stronger Ummah, derive their strength from holistic and God-conscious activists.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Proud Are the Ugly

"Glory, Dignity, and Greatness belong to Allah; anyone who considers these attributes as belonging to himself will be placed in Hellfire."
Imam Jafaar Al-Sadiq [The Seas of Illumination: Bab 130 tradition 3]

Activists, academia, community leaders, superpowers, government officials--listen up!

The greatest of transgressions human beings can ever level against their own selves (and others) is arrogance. A false sense of self-sufficiency whereby humans erroneously self-empower themselves. They have fixed false beliefs of grandiosity and greatness.

You Napoleons and Bushes--there is no room for you in this world! You have waged wars against humanity, hijacked our community centers and institutions, and oppressed the indigent and naive with your crooked sense of morality. We cannot breathe without your sanction. We cannot organize without your pardon. We cannot speak without your permission. Why? You are the most knowledgeable, the most accomplished, the most influential, the most wealthy! You are the chief, the chair, the ordained. You are noble because of your lineage, you are wise because of your Ivy schooling, you are dignified because of your heritage! You live lives of arrogance to compensate for your bankruptcy--you are bankrupt in thought, in solutions, in action, in truth. Your lives are devoid of God, because you have made yourselves into gods. Servant leaders of humanity have described you when asked about arrogance: [they] "ignorantly belittle truth and reproach those who support it" [Al-Kafi: Bab Al-khibr, tradition 10]

Now is the time for you to step down, move out, or seek refuge in your Lord. We will not stand idly in the face of your tyranny and oppression-whether it be as a head of state or head of mosque; head of household or head of church.

Ali Hassan Dabaja


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well said!